Katedra hydromeliorací a krajinného inženýrství

Kalendář akcí
(16.05.2024 v 12:13)

Globální environmentální výzvy v kompetencích stavebního inženýra - voda, krajina, energie 
(4. - 5. 10. 2024)




Novinky katedry
(30.04.2024 v 19:53)

Pro předmět "Protierozní ochrana" je k dispozici nové video:

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Naši odborníci v médiích
(19.03.2024 v 23:40)

Členové naší katedry se mnohokrát objevili v médiích s vyjádřeními k aktuálním problémům české krajiny a zemědělství.

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Pracovní příležitosti
(25.03.2024 v 21:20)

Odborný pracovník výzkumu VÚMOP

Brigáda - správa toků

TUdi: Transforming Unsustainable management of soils in key agricultural systems in EU and China. Developing an integrated platform of alternatives to reverse soil degradation.

: José Alfonso Gómez Calero. CSIC, SPAIN.
: prof. Dr. Ing. Tomáš Dostál,
: 2021-06-01
: 2025-06-30
: TUdi offers an end-user directed approach for the capitalization of technologies for restoring soil health, improving fertilization practices and overall raising quality of soils for food production systems in major crops and different farming types across EU, China and New Zealand


Oficial info about the project:



TUdi in a page
TUdi offers an end-user directed approach for the capitalization of technologies for restoring soil health, improving fertilization practices and overall raising quality of soils for food production systems in major crops and different farming types across EU, China and New Zealand through:
• aggregated sources of successful cases of soil restoring and improved fertilization practices across long term experiments and commercial farms, exploiting them using an open science approach for the benefit of the society.
• end-user driven aproach. It creates a multi-stakeholder community, from end-users to policy makers, which is the core of the project, deciding the direction of solutions to co-develop and validate.
• developing and validating solutions for improving soil health and fertilization practices at farm level including cost-benefit appraisal.
• broad dissemination of soil healing practices in different farming types thanks to different types of supporting tools and material including decision support systems and digital applications.
• testing of a comprehensive indicator of soil health in line with the needs of the EC mission on “Soil health and food”.
• validating digital applications for enhancing quality of soils for crop production in relation to soil management and fertilizer use compatible with the Farm Sustainability Tool (FaST) promoted by the EC.